

3 P’s When Children Disappoint

“A little child steps on our toes. But as they grow older, they step on our hearts.” This shared truth when our kids are little people, bouncing through summer with bare feet, sticky popsicle faces, and easy giggles doesn’t penetrate our understanding. But as they grow and stretch their wings out from under our guidance and protection, we begin to feel the ache, torment, and sorrow of watching a child’s bad decisions and actions. This can range from poor choices,...

2 Words Chock-full of Power

Two words. Linked together, they explode with power, providing ocean depths of hope. Two words spinning dark and impossible, into obtainable light and victory. Two words holding endless potential for reconciliation, healing, renewal, a future. Two words waiting to fill your hard with peace and even joy. These two words? But Jesus. The first almost insignificant word means “on the contrary; except; still; unless; yet”. It’s often glided over in a sentence, unacknowledged as the springboard to big transitions. However,...