

When God Doesn’t Make Sense We all face seasons when, from our limited, human perspective, what God allows in our life does not make sense.  Last month, two weeks and two days after losing our son Tyler, we followed the ambulance transporting my father-in-law to the hospital. We had lived life and raised our family within ten minutes of him, so our years were filled with his supportive, loving presence. That evening, while we sat with him, pushing back the...

When Covid Crashes Through Your Front Door What do we name this dark valley we travel. Where sunlight mocks the darkness in the space we try to breathe. What cruel trick transpired that two weeks took us from sweet fellowship with you around our table, to crushing sorrow you are not here with us, laughing and talking and loving and sharing life. How do we bring together the depths of our faith and the depths of our sorrow?  How do...

A Place of Sorrow

Awhile back, out of the blue, a video surfaced on Facebook that tore at my heart and triggered some painful memories for me. And I was struck with the question, “Why, after so much healing has taken place, both inside of me and in relationships, why does the pain still feel so real? Why does it even exist? Why does the struggle to “not go there” and rehash everything become so intense?...

When God’s Heart Breaks

Sometimes God is pictured as a standoffish, look down from the heights, does not understand nor care about my world, being. But the following statement knocks the legs right out from under that perception. “When Jesus saw her, His heart broke.” (The Message) There are two whopping truths in this short verse, but to get the full impact, let’s set the stage. (Luke 7:11-17)...