

Is God’s Presence Real When You Don’t Feel? What does experiencing the presence of God feel like? What feeling should we wait for that assures us of His presence? Is there an unusual warmth? A sensation? Is there a manifestation?  We often rely too heavily on how we feel, or don’t feel, to gauge the realness of something. In determining God’s presence, we will likely feel nothing. God’s presence is not a feeling. But a truth. We don’t tangibly feel...

ONE WORD TO CALM CHURNING WATERS There are times life swirls around us. We swim through churning waters brought on by pain, sorrow, conflict, or illness. Events we did not choose. Pain we did not sign up for. Sorrow deep and unexpected. Which leave us feeling confused, hurting, and out of control. Problems sending our comfortable routines, self-confidence, and sense of control into a tailspin. In these times, as we search for relief and help, we demonstrate wisdom to remember...

What’s So Important about the Here and Now?

Many are familiar with the app “Google Maps”.  The program will route a trip from your location to a specific destination by entering the address and touching the “directions” button. Like magic, a map appears showing the quickest route. Just tap “start” and off you go. What you can see at this point is where you are and just a fraction of the next few miles. However, you can look ahead at your journey by manipulating the screen. Maybe you...