

Your Checklist When Seasons Collide (Seasons Part 2)

Moving into a new season of life can be hard. (See Part 1: one-truth-to-survive-seasonal-changes) But moving into a new season with one foot firmly planted in the past season can be earth shaking. Somewhat like the tectonic plates of the earth’s crust coming in contact, “grinding violently against each other, causing earthquakes and volcano eruptions”. Sound familiar? Um, yes. More often than not, seasonal transitions are not cut and dry, but involve one foot planted in both seasons. Two memories bubble...

One Truth to Survive Seasonal Changes

On a recent morning jog, passing through a wooded stretch, a hint of autumn washed over me. There was a slight chill to the air and a morning shower created a musky dampness, leaving the air smelling of decaying earth. An overnight windstorm had prematurely tugged leaves from their branches and scattered them along the pathway. And the heart skipped a beat as the realization hit, though still mid-August, fall lay just around the next bend.  The urge pressed in...

Facing Hard Changes? Take His Hand

Difficult transitions into new seasons can spark a hard. Taking a giant step from the comfortable, security of the known into the discomfort and shaky unknown pours fear, sorrow, and insecurity into our soul. Waiting in the family van to retrieve a son from a late-running ball practice, the reality of an upcoming change sunk in deep. Thankful for the darkness and storm smearing the windshield, obscuring the sorrow that rained down my face, a deep lamenting began. “Lord, this...