

When Normal Wanes, Where is God?

One of the great things about the string of pearl activities from Thanksgiving to New Years is the change of pace and scenery. They bring sparkle, glitter and delight into the ordinary; flooding our days with specialness. Yet, one of the difficult things about the holidays is also the change of pace and days flooded with specialness. We haven’t lived “normal” for weeks. Routines are smashed and drug through the mill. We’re snatched from our intentional, thought-out schedules and thrown...

One Truth to Survive Seasonal Changes

On a recent morning jog, passing through a wooded stretch, a hint of autumn washed over me. There was a slight chill to the air and a morning shower created a musky dampness, leaving the air smelling of decaying earth. An overnight windstorm had prematurely tugged leaves from their branches and scattered them along the pathway. And the heart skipped a beat as the realization hit, though still mid-August, fall lay just around the next bend.  The urge pressed in...