

When the World is a Hot Mess

It’s so hard to hear You, God, when the world screams loud. We are a mess down here. Every time we think things are settling down we open our eyes to new chaos. Your daughters are weary. Our spinning minds and aching hearts need Your touch. It’s so hard to walk in peace when conflict abounds. Arguments. Opinions. Confusing and conflicting information. Messages with uncomfortable undertones. Hashtags and slogans crowding our streets, our screens, and our minds. Statistics and reports...

How to Rest When the World is Upside Down

Another week of stay-at-home orders. Another day of statistics and analyses and projections for physical distancing to continue for a month of Sundays. For some, the journey is easier than for others. Yet, we all grow weary of the changes, turmoil and controversies. We no sooner awaken than our minds are spinning. Questions lurk as we swim through uncertain waters. Our stamina wanes. Our minds grow sluggish. We find ourselves carrying a deep weariness. We long to pull away and...

Crushing Christmas Chaos

Ah, the holidays. We dream of a season filled with gentle snows, glittering lights, enticing smells, carols streaming, gifts wrapped with perfection, a flawless tree filled with memory-inducing ornaments, and hugs, smiles and laughter spilling over in endless traditions and activities. Ah, the holidays. Well. Shelf that Hallmark movie, because the reality often paints quite a different picture. Across the country, women are tasked with expectations and responsibilities that would turn any action-hero into a blubbering wimp: Pinterest-laden projects, tradition-building...

Your Checklist When Seasons Collide (Seasons Part 2)

Moving into a new season of life can be hard. (See Part 1: one-truth-to-survive-seasonal-changes) But moving into a new season with one foot firmly planted in the past season can be earth shaking. Somewhat like the tectonic plates of the earth’s crust coming in contact, “grinding violently against each other, causing earthquakes and volcano eruptions”. Sound familiar? Um, yes. More often than not, seasonal transitions are not cut and dry, but involve one foot planted in both seasons. Two memories bubble...