

When All is Cut Away, What Remains of Christmas?

While many scramble to conquer the chaos, yet warm with excitement anticipating celebrations of the Christmas season, sometimes an opposite scenario befalls us. Life has dealt a blow and nothing is normal. The season drags by, filled with pain and loneliness. Uncertainty and dread are our companions. We hear no echo of laughter. Carols have lost their warmth and sparkling lights mock the darkness swirling around us. Numbness escorts us to gatherings. Fear replaces peace. Sorrow deadens joy. When all...

Holy Tension; aka, How to Wrestle an Alligator

What difficult thing do you wrestle? Against what hard do you struggle? Does a task God has given you appear to rise up with gnashing teeth and slashing tail? Is there a stress-causing challenge you wish removed so life would be pert near perfect? What seeming impossibility keeps you exhausted and fearful in its grip? Bottom line: what alligator are you wrestling? When my husband texts early in the week and asks “what’s up?” and the response is “wrestling alligators”,...

Sunday’s A-Comin’

Holidays during a period of hard can be overwhelming. Detailed preparation for gatherings, with special services and events filling the calendar, and your heart struggles to care.  If you are facing this Easter week feeling worn out and grasping for hope, lay expectations down, whether from yourself or others. Take time to peel away the layers of unnecessary, and focus on the core remembrances of this season.  Walking through periods of difficulty presents the perfect time to get concerns off...