

How to Release Our Hards into God’s Sovereign Hands The greatest treasure in our hards is the assurance we do not face them alone. Our Father is with us. Add the amazing truth that we are not just welcomed to His holy throne, but encouraged to approach His presence with confidence, “so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need”. (Hebrews 4:16) Incredible. Astounding. Humbling. As we abide in His presence, we release...

When the World is a Hot Mess

It’s so hard to hear You, God, when the world screams loud. We are a mess down here. Every time we think things are settling down we open our eyes to new chaos. Your daughters are weary. Our spinning minds and aching hearts need Your touch. It’s so hard to walk in peace when conflict abounds. Arguments. Opinions. Confusing and conflicting information. Messages with uncomfortable undertones. Hashtags and slogans crowding our streets, our screens, and our minds. Statistics and reports...

When God Isn’t Answering

Ever find yourself up against a brick wall? Searching for a door to get to the other side, but finding none. Or perhaps feeling like you’re standing in a thick, dusky fog, needing to make a move, but no idea which way to step. And you pray to God for help. “Lord, I need direction. I need help. I need an answer.” Aaaaaand nothing. We bear our hearts to the Lord and ask friends to pray. And nothing. No direction....

Victory in One of Life’s Daily Hards

One of the every day hards in life is managing time. Time for all of our tasks and all of our people. The desired priority at the top of our list, in permanent ink? Time with God.  Which happens to also be the top priority on our Enemy’s attack plan, which he executes with vengeance and consistency. He hates to see us sitting at the feet of Jesus. He despises when we pour over God’s Word. Satan knows our fervor...

An Important Tool for Your Marriage

Traveling the highway of marriage is not a journey for those weak in spirit or resolve. Through the years, we experience many flat tires, engine blow-ups and “we are lost” detours. Working through problems solidifies our marriages. But requires work. Hard work. Laboring through a marital hard becomes more doable with the right tools, employing the implements of patience, gentleness, and openness with a steady power supply of prayer and scriptural guidance. Another important tool is called a “letgo”. At...

Hello? Is Anybody Listening?

Unanswered prayer. Whether for self or standing in the gap for others, we pray for healing. Reconciliation. Direction. Salvation. And nothing. Is. Happening. Or perhaps worse, the opposite of our request comes to pass. Is God listening? Have I missed something? Am I praying “wrong”? Is there any point? We lost two very close friends to cancer. We have a photo, now precious to us, of them sitting with us and their spouses on our couch celebrating a new year;...

How to Propel our Petitions

Times arise when we just have nothing left. No answers. No energy. No certainty. No direction.  Tasks loom insurmountable.Turmoil stretches endless behind and before us. There is too much on our plate, draining our scant reserves. We ache with longing as desires stack up unmet. Our demeanor labels us with hashtags: #troubled #stressed #confused #spent When those times roll in wave upon wave, what can we do?  Even prayer comes hard. Where can we turn? We open the scripture and let...

God’s Request About Our Requests

Can we dwell in the land of thanksgiving for a bit longer? The world rushes into the next holiday, but my thoughts linger on giving thanks. Woven throughout the Word, gratitude must be an unbroken cord in our lives. Living through the hard things of life, it is imperative that we bring our wrestling, fear, and troubled spirit to the Lord. He directs us to. He calls us to come and sit with Him, unloading all our anxiety. In His...