God Sees You

July 17, 2018

We all go through hard things in life that leave us broken and hurting; that leave us feeling scared, confused and invisible. The assurance that someone who deeply cares about us sees this and knows the details, brings us significance, comfort and peace.

Cruising by and scoping out homes can be a delightful pastime when traveling. Specking out the various styles, colors, layouts and landscapes. Even better to drive by at night when the lights are on and one can peek through the windows to the interior. (The precise reason I close my blinds at night. People like me are driving by.) What’s the layout? How is the interior decorated? “Ooo, an open staircase. Check out that gorgeous lamp.”

At times I assume that such a beautiful, peaceful put together home, must be filled with beautiful, peaceful, put together people who are living beautiful, peaceful, put together lives. And I want to move in with them on the spot.

Then this occurred to me: in all likelihood, people are driving by MY home, speculating the same thing. We can put on a pretty good outer appearance leading passers by to suppose we are living beautiful, peaceful, put together lives. 

And at times, we’re a MESS in here. There are mice in the attic and wolf spiders in the basement. The sink drips and the kitchen cupboards are falling apart. Our lives are full of hurt, conflict, tension, confusion, anger, ugliness. Behind that idyllic facade, is all kinds of mess.

There is wisdom in not exposing everything to the world. Not everyone out there wants or needs to know us intimately. But sometimes we long to be seen. For someone to recognize our struggle. To know our hurts. To understand who we are at the core. 

Well. Someone does. God. Your Heavenly Father. The one who created you.

The slave Hagar fled from her master Sarah because of great conflict and mistreatment. In her loneliness, hurt and confusion, she was found by an angel of the Lord. After her encounter she declares, “You are the God who sees me”. (Genesis 16:13)

The beginning of Psalms 139 reveals the intimacy with which He sees and knows us. The first verse declares that ,“You have searched me and You know me.” This is more than a comprehensive knowledge that misses nothing. Yes, He knows when you sit and when you rise (verse 2). He knows when you go out and when you lie down (verse 3). 

But, it’s also a personal and active knowledge. He perceives and understands your thoughts (verse 2) and is familiar with all your ways (verse 3). Good heavens, He even knows what you’re going to say before the word is on your tongue (verse 4).

He grasps the details of your circumstances. He understands how events have affected you. He knows the wounds you carry and protect. He sees the tears that wet your pillow and hears the sobs you stifle. He comprehends your deepest places and the longings of your heart. 

And He does not roll his eyes, or close his ears, or shake his head and walk away. He is compassionate toward you. He is tender toward you. 

He sees you. He loves you. And He wants to heal you and fill your longings with Himself.

By Reva

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