How to Have Calm in the Storm

October 11, 2018

Calm in the storm. A definite oxymoron. When life blows up, feeling tranquil is nigh to impossible. Not sustainable. A veneer disguising deep fear. But with the power of God, inner serenity can be our reality despite utter chaos around us.

In the Bible, Mark narrates a story of a fierce storm at sea where the disciples find themselves one night. (Mark 4:35-41) Jesus spent the day teaching to crowds along the seashore, using a boat as his pulpit. When evening came, He suggested that the disciples join him in the boat and cross “over to the other side”. 

The Sea of Galilee is notorious for storms that, because of the surrounding terrain, come out of the blue with shattering and terrifying suddenness. This night, the sea morphed into a raging monster, winds howling, waves breaking over the boat. The disciples fought to maintain their balance, grabbing each other and the sides of the boat to avoid being tossed into the sea. They shouted to each other as the crashing waves soaked them to the skin, quickly filling the boat with water, and terror grew in their hearts. These were not landlubber men. Several were weathered fishermen so this was not their first storm at sea. Their fear speaks of imminent danger.

Jesus, on the other hand, is catching some Zs in the back of the boat, head cushioned by a pillow. The fishing vessel, smaller than a school bus, was not very maneuverable or stable. So He was not tucked away in a dry, quiet part of the boat. For him to be sound asleep as the craft thrashed in tumultuous waves, the wind and men howling around him, is startling.

His relaxed attitude inexplicable, the disciples shook Him awake crying, “Don’t you care? We’re about to perish here!” And I might have shouted, “This was your idea after all! I’m just living in obedience to your leading and this is where I end up? In this ravenous storm? What’s up with that, Jesus?”

Jesus stood, faced the storm and spoke three words. “Peace. Be still.” Instantaneously, the winds ceased, the waves stilled, there was immediate calm. Dumbstruck, the disciples wide-eyed and still dripping, whispered with awe, “Who is this that even the winds and the sea obey him.”

Those three words Jesus spoke into the storm are words He still speaks with great authority over His daughters. “Peace! Be still!” 

“In the presence of Jesus, we can have peace even in the wildest storms of life.”
William Barclay

He speaks peace into our storms of sorrow. The storms of critical illness that strike fear in us. The storms of vexing problems where we are tossed about by waves of doubt, tension, uncertainty. The storms of anxiety where we feel overtaken by worry for ourselves, our loved ones, an unknown future.

Christ speaking these words over our storm may not remove us from the boat thrashing about in a raging sea. The waves may not calm or the winds cease. But, having His peace pour over our soul in the midst of that storm will give strength and courage to stand and face it head on. His peace will restore our soul. His peace will bring healing to our wounds, strength to our trembling knees, courage to our quaking heart. And hope in our dark places.

The storm cannot rob us of His peace. It may still rage for a time. But with Christ by our side, and the gentle, calm of His words of peace rolling over us, we can face the storm. To voyage with Jesus is to voyage in peace.

By Reva

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