When Normal Wanes, Where is God?

January 9, 2020

One of the great things about the string of pearl activities from Thanksgiving to New Years is the change of pace and scenery. They bring sparkle, glitter and delight into the ordinary; flooding our days with specialness. Yet, one of the difficult things about the holidays is also the change of pace and days flooded with specialness. We haven’t lived “normal” for weeks. Routines are smashed and drug through the mill. We’re snatched from our intentional, thought-out schedules and thrown into twirl-a-whirl chaos. 

Not only positive events have this affect on our lives, but a myriad of difficulties as well: crisis, illness, injury. Pillars we’ve erected to give stability and peace-filled rhythm to our daily living are neglected and threaten to topple with the touch of a finger. 

When circumstances blow through leaving us disoriented and unable to proceed as normal, our pillars begin to weaken. The pillar of good health wobbles as we neglect nutrition, along with disappearing exercise and sleep. Becoming distracted or dazed by out-of-our-control events, penalties begin to pile up from missed deadlines and appointments, and more pillars crack.  Chores and maintenance pillars tilt and sway when bedlam descends, and columns of order and flow waver as routines are trashed.

Yet, as whirlwind events upend our normal pace and practice, one central pillar does not falter. Its strength is not based upon actions we perform. That pillar, our relationship with God, stands unmoved, firmly planted on a foundation that cannot be shaken: Jesus.

We can fall into error, believing our relationship with God stands firm because of quiet time we have set apart to spend in His Word and Presence. Because we are up to date in our devotionals and read-through-the-Bible apps. And because we stay busy carrying out acts of service. There is a difference between a growing hunger to be with Him in quiet stillness, and anxiety that we have slipped out of His presence and care.

For in times when our active participation in spiritual disciplines may slow to a trickle, He does not move nor change. God remains active in every moment, His love, grace and guidance flowing freely to us. He waits patient and long-suffering in our distractedness for our focus to turn to Him. His presence and love for us is not dependent upon any pillar we have built. The pillar of “God Relationship” exists solely because of Who He is and what He has done, not who we are or what we do.

And when the chaos we experience is not holiday haste but brought on by storms descending harsh and violent, pillar after pillar crash around us. Yet, we turn to see One pillar standing strong and we watch as its appearance morphs to the shape of a cross. Running against the winds and pelting rain, we throw out our arms to embrace the solidness, clinging to its life-saving power. Soaked in the mercy and grace that emanate from it, we hold fast until the winds subside and the chaos rolls away. Then, we see clearly that the foundation upon which this Pillar was built remains firm beneath us. The foundation where all earthly contentment is built and everything with eternal significance is established: Jesus. Our solid Rock.

We realize all the other pillars are useful, but not critical; bring order, but not lasting peace; bring a sense of calmness, but not eternal security. So we appreciate the precarious pillars of normalcy. But we find true rest in the knowledge that One pillar stands through all life’s chaos and changes, bringing us peace, hope, joy and true life.

(video)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVE-xXFDOwg

Photo by Gabriel on Unsplash

By Reva

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