

THANKFULNESS IN THE AFTERMATH Walking up to the door of this holiday season, we anticipated the difficulty before us.  Working through loss and memories. Aching for a Bear-hug when he doesn’t come through the door. Our table full, yet groaning with an emptiness. The puzzle table missing his baritone laughter. Conversations lacking his dry humor and button-pushing banter. These things we anticipated. We worked to prepare ourselves for warm family gatherings, while hearts still ache and sorrows linger.   But,...

Give thanks? Even in “this”?

Thanksgiving. A crushing hard. How do these mesh? God’s Word encourages us to “give thanks in all circumstances” and to “always give thanks for everything”. Does that include this mess? This pain? When darkness seeps in and our dreams lay shattered. When finances are wrecked, our hope stagnant, our bodies diseased and broken. Being thankful seems a far stretch and somewhat ludicrous. Nothing in our circumstance stirs thankfulness. Yet, living with a thankful heart is important to the Lord. In...