The Reward of Hanging Tough

September 19, 2018

Taped to my desk is a Treasure in the Word, curved edges depicting the years it has been an encouragement. James 1:12.

“Blessed is she who perseveres under trial
because, having stood the test,
she will receive the crown of life
that the Lord has promised
to those who love him.” 

[The italicized pronoun change is mine.]

Defining perseverance is easy: persisting with a purpose; energetic resistance; steadfastness under pressure; endurance in the face of trials.

Doing perseverance is hard. Followed by more hard. Sprinkled with exhaustion. Surrounded by confusion and uncertainty. Walking away, giving up, or turning around, rather than pressing through, whispers “Easier. Who cares anyway. It’s not worth it”. So why would we want to hold on?

When we persevere in our trial, we are blessed with reward. James does not state this as a probability. But for “those that love Him”, a solid promise: You will be blessed if you persevere because you will receive the crown of life.

The Message translates, “Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life.”

So, to those who ‘keep their faith’ in the midst of suffering, trials and temptation, showing courage, steadfastness and patience in the smack dab middle of their hard, they are blessed because the King of the Universe gives to them the reward of life.

However, when the waves of your hard crash against you, having stood against the madness for too long, you’re response might be, “Don’t you throw that anchor of ‘just persevere’ at me. It’s slippery and heavy and impossible to grasp. I’m exhausted. I’m bruised and beaten. I’m confused and uncertain. My heart is breaking and I cannot breathe. My world and my dreams are imploding. I’m terrified. You throw that at me at this point and I’m going under. How am I to persevere in this hard that is so close to crushing me?”

I shouted that question too, and God answered. Taped to the bottom of the James passage, added at a later time, is a verse from Hebrews 11:27. “By faith…he persevered because he saw Him who is invisible.”

There it is. How to persevere. Strength to hold on.  Standing firm in the hard. “He had his eye on the One no eye can see, and kept right on going.” (The Message) The secret to our persevering is keeping our focus on The Source beyond ourself. God.

We do not persevere by slaying dragons, nor by running crazy attempting to control everyone and everything, nor by sticking our heads in the sand. We persevere by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. Therein lies the strength and wisdom, the peace and power, to get us through. He will guide us (Isaiah 42:16, Isaiah 58:11). He will encourage us (Psalm 10:17, Romans 15:5). He will cover us with His wings (Psalm 63:7, Psalm 91:4). And He will remind us that the battle to hang on, through the nitty-gritty, results in the reward of all rewards. Life with Him. Not just in the future. In the now. In the hard. Experiencing perfect peace. Overwhelming joy. Radical love. 

By Reva

1 Comment

  1. Reply


    A mirror of my life of struggles under the hard. When I acknowledge my weakness, He comes through strong. He is my calm in the midst of a storm. Thanks for your encouragement in Christ.

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