September 3, 2020

Surviving “In the Moment” Uncertainty

In a difficult time, we often hear platitudes like “It’ll work out. It’ll be okay. It’s just a phase. This too will pass. My brother’s uncle’s cousin’s neighbor went through this and they’re getting along fine now.” But the truth is? In the moment of the crisis, we don’t know. We don’t know if it will be okay or work out or pass. Our minds run down a list of other’s experiences, or our own, where things didn’t work out. Thing’s weren’t okay. The end result not what we hoped and prayed for.

So how do we survive those uncertain, “in the moment” moments? That sometimes morph into years. How do we hang in there when we face unknowns at every turn? How do we hold onto faith when outcomes do not look promising; when a crossroad is coming and things could go either direction? When doubts and unpredictableness rule the day?

We remember where we find God. We don’t encounter Him in a future answer. We don’t engage Him in someone else’s journey. We find God in one place. In the moment we are experiencing. Right now. Right here. His powerful presence shrinking doubts, illuminating an eternal perspective. Tho our hearts fail us, He remains our solid rock. He has complete control when life spins out of our control. 

We also remember our ultimate comfort is not knowing the plan or the outcome. Our joy not rooted in having absolute answers along the way. But our assurance and peace rest in knowing His presence in our present circumstance; the central truth upon which we hang our hope. A foundation upon which our faith can flourish. Emmanuel. God with us, in every moment.

And if God is in the moment, we can do all things. Face all things.  Endure all things. Clinging to His promise He will never leave us, knowing even if the worst possibilities of our imaginations come true, we will walk through that experience, that hard outcome with our Creator God. Our Abba Father. The One who loves us more than we can imagine. The One who redeems us and our circumstances.

Part of our survival requires letting go of the perceived right to understand everything. To figure it all out. We know He works all things for the good of those who love Him. (Romans 8:28) But ‘our good’ may not be what we think it should be or wish for. Most can testify about things we thought were disasters working out for our good; things we saw as great disappointments working out as greater blessings. 

Years ago, we were on the precipice of making a huge change in our lives. We were stunned and somewhat devastated when everything crumbled in one unexpected phone call due to another’s controlling manipulations. Now we look back and see clearly how God protected us from that next small step, which would have made a return to our previous status nigh to impossible. And we also recognize His lavish grace and “better” direction He had planned for us. But in that moment? Crushed dreams. Slack-jawed confusion.

‘Our good’ is more often not a physical blessing, but a spiritual truth: God uses hard times to grow us into the likeness of Christ. Perhaps the struggle remains unresolved. Perhaps for life. But we are changed. Transformed through the difficult experiences of life. More like our Lord than before. (2 Corinthians 3:18) The depth of our understanding and intimacy with Him rooted deeper.

So, we walk through uncertainty, hand-in-hand with the Father, moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day. He shows us the safe path amongst steep, rugged rocks. He gives us wisdom our finite minds could never dredge up. He refreshes us in green pastures, beside still waters, at intervals in our struggle. With Jesus, strength, comfort, yes even peace are ours, in “all the moments” of our hard.


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

By Reva

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