September 17, 2020

Ain’t Nothin’ Gonna Steal My Joy

Anybody else feel like you’re living under a cloud that just doesn’t go away? Walking around in a smoky haze the sun can’t break through? Seriously, just about one more “thing” added to the chaos and we vote to cancel the rest of 2020. Need we list all the things? Viral pandemic. Racial tensions. Brain-numbing riots. One destructive storm after another. Fierce wildfires. Hateful election rhetoric. And these don’t include world tensions and personal life challenges we all face and carry daily. 

All the physical, emotional and mental strain from these dramas and traumas press in and threaten to suffocate us. The accumulative experiences weigh enough to bury any hope to encounter joy.

Or do they?

If circumstances dictate our joy, we are in a heap of trouble.  If we anticipate joy pouring down on us, or reaching out to us from an outside source, our joy levels will slowly gurgle down the drain. 

But. If the source of our joy comes from within; if our joy comes from the inner well-spring of life, the result of our lives being centered on God and all He has done and promises to continue to do; then, our joy never dries up. Never runs out. Never ceases to exist.

The basis of this eternal, internal joy is found in 1 Peter 1:8-9. “Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”

The joy of God saving us and the hope of eternal life with Him never fades. Peace in the midst of chaos becomes a real experience. Underneath layers of struggle lies a quiet place where we retreat to revive our souls; to quiet our stressed psyche; to have our hope and joy restored. A place where courage grows and stinking thinking washes away because of pure Truth that reigns there. A place where our spirit joins with His Spirit living in us, and the glory of His presence transforms all we think and feel.

We experience this place during times of meditation and prayer; as we come together as God’s people for worship and fellowship; or, by just closing our eyes and whispering “Jesus” when life becomes too much. And in these moments of reconnection with the awareness of the intimacy of His presence, with us at all times, our joy rekindles and illuminates our soul and our world. Our eyes once again open to His glory all around us.

Joy has not died. Joy has not been wiped out. Joy springs up from the glory of God both abiding within and displayed all around us, if we have spiritual eyes to see. From a glorious sunset to the unguarded delight in a baby’s laughter, from intricate blooms to powerful displays in the heavens, glory exists and our joy abounds. Joy brightens the most dreary days and gives us hope in our most difficult moments. Any time we experience Him, we experience simultaneous joy.

We are assured nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39). Therefore, nothing can steal our joy. Not trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword. Not Covid, not social unrest or political tensions; not climatic destruction or hatred, not sickness or corruption. Nothing. As we take our focus off of outward issues and turn our eyes to Jesus, perspectives change and joy returns.

In John 16:20 and 22, Jesus tells his disciples they will grieve at His crucifixion, but their grief will turn to joy. Post resurrection, when they see Him again, they will rejoice and “no one will take away your joy.” The resurrection brings permanent change, including a joy that cannot be removed; that can never be destroyed or taken away. 

Christian joy stands independent of changes in the world. The joy Christ gives is complete; no tinge of imperfection exists. His joy shines perfect, full, and continuous.

Thus, we sing with the Psalmist:

“You will fill me with joy in Your presence (Psalm 16:11), 

When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought me joy (Psalm 94:19),

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy (Psalm 126:3).”

Hallelujah and amen. Enjoy this song from Zach Williams called “Old Church Choir”. Tap your foot and let your inner joy grow and glow. Aw, go ahead. Get up and dance!


Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

By Reva

1 Comment

  1. Reply


    Amen Sister!

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