October 8, 2020

Enduring Election Turmoil

Election year creates a unique hard all its own. We encounter social media disputes, cut-throat political ads, and disbelief at the great divide of opinion and thought, with those both inside and outside our spheres. During the months leading up to election day, we experience about every anxiety producing emotion possible. Climbing concern. Tightrope tension. Deep distrust. Dynamic disagreement. Angst and anger. Fear. How do we know God’s goodness in all of this? What possible treasure awaits our discovery?

As with most of God’s riches, we will not encounter this gem in the physical realm, but the spiritual. Hanging out in Daniel for awhile, the treasure quickly begins to shine through. 

What is the source of this glorious treasure? God’s sovereignty.

Let’s pull out the scriptures in Daniel declaring this truth. Some of these may seem repetitive. But in today’s climate, to find our center and our peace, we need the repetition to sink this revelation deep into our heart.

He (God) deposes kings and raises up others.” (Daniel 2:21)

“The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people.” (Daniel 4:17)

“The Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.” (Daniel 4:25).

Also, Paul reminds us in Romans 13:1, “Every ruling authority has been established by God.”  And, God assures us in Isaiah 46:10 that “My purpose will stand.”

Bottom line? All authority is established by and exists under the control of our God for His ultimate purpose.

Peace in these volatile political times comes only in the acknowledgement that ultimately, God controls all things. Our comfort lies in the reality that the outcome of every election, every government change, through all time around the whole earth, rests in the hands of Almighty God. And, after the final ballot is counted, He remains in control.

So when the scorching winds of controversy and conflict sear into our souls, we focus upward and remember God and His sovereign reign. 

“His wisdom and power advance His purposes, as He sovereignly rules over human affairs, even over leaders and nations.” -W.A. VanGermeren 

Yes, we have a responsibility, with knowledge and prayerful discernment, to engage our right to vote. But we simultaneously rest in the truth that God rules supreme. Though our human understanding may deem a government as the wrong one, God has established it to be the right one for His purposes. Embracing this truth, we lay our concerns and fears at His feet, knowing His purpose will stand, and receive the treasures of His goodness, comfort, and peace.

Daniel also reminds us that there is a coming kingdom where Jesus Christ will reign.  “His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” No more topsy-turvy, unstable, passing governments and nations. In this coming Kingdom, “Jesus is given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language (will) worship him.” (Daniel 7:13–14) Another treasure, providing great hope for all believers, who will be part of this future kingdom of God. When political chaos becomes too much, focus on this magnificent truth and be filled with hope and joy at the promise of a holy and true, everlasting, glorious kingdom.

Thanks to Aaron Burden for sharing their work on Unsplash.

By Reva

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