2 Things to Grasp when Life’s Unpredictable Storms Hit

March 12, 2020

One of the few things about life we can predict is that life is unpredictable. Circumstances change in a heartbeat. Issues start piling up that were nowhere on our radar screen. With relief, we leave behind unexpected trials in one season only to face shocking ones in the next. We did not anticipate a financial crisis or a disease dramatically altering our life. No telegraph, sirens or flashing lights warn us of the tidal wave coming just around the corner. We cannot foresee the staggering loss that sucks life and light right out of our world. As Dr. Timothy Keller says, “No matter what precautions we take, no matter how well we have put together a good life, no matter how hard we have worked to be healthy, wealthy, comfortable with friends and family, and successful with our career — something will inevitably ruin it.” 

This unpredictableness of life emphasizes the importance to walk daily, hand-in-hand with God. During the more smooth-sailing days, continual fellowship with Him builds our understanding of, and binds our trust in, the tender, ministering love of our Heavenly Father. We learn His attributes and study His steadfast ways. We settle into the knowledge there’s no need to worry about whether we can handle a dramatic event because He can. He’s got each situation in hand, and He’s got us.

Then, when rogue waves, outside of our peripheral vision, crash into us, momentarily knocking us flat and threatening to pull us into the depths, we grasp two things. 

With one hand we reach up and grab tightly to the hand of Jesus. His eye was on this storm headed our way before we drew our first breath. Nothing that surprises and rattles us, surprises or rattles Him. With the strength that pours from His hand straight into our soul, we bear up, knowing He will provide the perseverance, wisdom, and peace to handle whatever comes. He will guide us through the tempest on a path He pre-negotiated, the brilliance of His glory lighting the way.

With the other hand, we latch on to remembrances of other hards He has brought us through (Psalm 77:11). How many of us, with hindsight, see God’s hand guiding and holding us during an unexpected season? We shout testimony of the palpable presence of Jesus when life blindsided us. Looking over our shoulder, we identify in minute detail how He prepared us for the onslaught. How we experienced a multitude of small graces that piled up around us giving comfort and a soft place to lean in the hard. With clarity we see the solitary set of footprints when He carried us in the worst of the storm.

Holding onto Jesus, and remembering how He has been with us in past hards, we find great strength and courage to face whatever “new” unpredictable hit we experience on our life’s journey. And whatever the unexpected event is, we know with certainty that God sees us, He loves us, and He is with us. Every circumstance. Every step. Every moment. Every breath. Praise His Name.


By Reva

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